Research at the YGT

Of the estimated 500 important historic parks and gardens in Yorkshire, 130 sites are on the Historic England's Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. Of these, 9 are Grade I and 25 are Grade II*. 

Some sites are lost, while others may be endangered by inappropriate development or neglect. It is our aim therefore to improve the awareness and appreciation of our garden heritage through our Research and Recording programmes.

Our main focus is a long term project to research and record locally significant historic designed landscapes in Yorkshire that are not on the HE Register, which can be referenced by interested amateurs, academics and professionals working in the field and aid conservation. The information is being made available on our Database of Sites, on the Parks & Gardens UK database and within the Historic Environment Record.

Our team currently consists of 15 volunteers, although more are welcome! We meet quarterly to discuss progress of projects and once a year have a longer meeting to share ideas on how to improve our research and recording skills.

To get in touch please email

Past Projects

  • Preservation of the Jim Russell Archive - held at the Borthwick Institute, University of York.
  • Historic Parks and Gardens in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The project, 2002-2006, was undertaken at the request of the YDNP, who also provided funding Historic Parks and Gardens in the Yorkshire Dales National Park