Schools news and gallery

We love to hear about what our schools are up to and see photos of their gardening activities. Tell us about what you grew, how you grew it, what you learnt, and we will upload it to the website.

You can send us your news stories in PDF format and your photos in jpg format.

East Morton Primary, YGT Grounds Development Award 2024

'We have installed green screens to screen the children from the road and reduce air pollution, and also created two living 'Teepees'. A new digging area and sand pit has also been created.

The money you gave us has been used to create a raised planter which the children will use to grow, flowers, herbs and vegetables.

I am sure will agree that there has been massive improvement since we started! Thank you very much for your contribution'

Nields Junior, Infant and Nursery School

In keeping with our theme of ‘Recycle in your garden!’, Karen wrote in to say:

"We are growing rhubarb in an old sand pit, have lots of recycled things around the school garden, frequently fill the wheelbarrow with items from nearby skips and the kids are getting tired of me saying, "no not in the bin, we can recycle that!"

Saltergate Schools Grounds Development Award

The garden is looking great but still a work in process.... 

Since we started the development, we have weeded the area, revamped the shed, cleaned the paths, added tables and chairs and started to add some planting. 

Children have worked in small groups alongside staff to assist with some of these tasks. They’ve loved the opportunity to be involved in leaving a lasting legacy at the school and spending time in nature.  Each week children eagerly ask if they will get chance to do some gardening. 

We’ve also had a gardening after school group, who have planted lots of spring bulbs ready for next year. It’s been wonderful to see children, who don’t have access to their own gardens able to experience gardening and all the benefits it brings. 

We have also been fortunate to have the support of Community Fit, a voluntary organisation who combine a group run each week with volunteering in the local community. In mid-December some junior soldiers are also due to visit our school and volunteer in our outdoor areas. 

Thank you so much again for this opportunity.'

Marwood C of E Infant School's Log Planter

Our planted planter is flourishing, thanks once again.

Ravensthorpe CE Junior School's bug hotel

Ravensthorpe School Council went on foraging walks to collect materials to constructed their own bug hotel.  They up-cycled wooden pallets to provide the framework, and have included planters to provide additional habitats and interest to their bug hotel.

News from the YGT Schools Grounds Development Award - Osbaldwick Primary Academy

At Osbaldwick Primary Academy, we have managed to build upcycled planters out of old climbing frames, renovate our old sandpit into a veg bed, brightened up the area with lots of lovely bee-friendly flowers, planted apple and pear trees, and fostered a real love of caring for the environment with our KS1 pupils. We have also bought new tools and procured a pop up greenhouse. Our highlight this year was a very successful tomato harvest!

The children have loved being involved in the gardening club and we will be continuing running it this year with more upcoming projects; we hope to establish a wildflower meadow, grow new types of fruit and veg, get a compost bin going, and build a bug hotel. 

We are so grateful for the YGT funding so may I take this time to once again thank you for your support! We would not have been able to renovate our area without your help.'

Reaction to Grounds Development Awards recipients.

From Osbaldwick, York-

'Thank you very much for granting Osbaldwick Primary School the YGT Grounds Development Award!  We are thrilled!...we are so excited to get underway with our KS1 outdoor area!'

From St Joseph's, Keighley -

'Thank you so much for your reply!  I wanted to say a huge thank you for your kind words about our plans for the area, it is so very under-utilised and the grant will go to good use.  Thank you for your ideas and suggestions, these will definitely be taken on board and used when we start the work.  I will keep you both along the way and when it is completed with children using them.’

A Wack's Wicked Plants Workshop at Ingleby Greenhow

Our visit from Wacks Wicked Plants finally happened last Friday. It was worth the wait, and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

This afternoon the children enjoyed a visit from Peter Walker, his wife Helleentje and their very friendly rescue dog Billy from Wack's Wicked Plants,  a Carnivorous Plant nursery in Scampston, North Yorkshire. They taught the children all about the different types of carnivorous plants and they even had the opportunity to plant their own seeds so that they can grow their own in school.

Reaction to our offer to schools of ‘Gardening for Kids’ by Dawn Issac.

From Marwood Church of England VC Infant School -

'Just a thank you from us for the lovely book that’s arrived today. Our children have been busy making use of the gardening gloves you sent us last year and have been busy planting this week – broad beans, peas, potatoes and beetroot.'

From Old Town, Calderdale.

'We received our copy today. Thank you so much, it’s a lovely book.'

Raised beds built at Ingleby Greenhow now full of produce

Their teacher told us:

What a lovely surprise I had when I opened your email this morning!  We are absolutely delighted to receive one of your Grounds Development Awards for our raised beds and vegetable garden. All the children cheered when I told them today!  Thank you also for the advice about the compost and the organic barriers. We do work very hard to promote outdoor learning and a love of nature.  So we feel very privileged to receive one of your awards.